Saturday, 5 December 2015

Following Your True Calling

Following Your True Calling

I honestly do not consider myself a very religious person but if there was one thing I believe in above any other, it would be the existence of the Almighty God. I'm not a preacher, I'm just trying to be on the right track with God spiritually and physically.
Just the other day I was at the church and the Preacher spoke about prosperity and then he said "Innovation is the master of prosperity". In a brief solipsistic moment those words like a bell, having a resounding echo in my head MOVED ME and so I decided to share what I learnt from this and talk about ways to utilize this information and show you how to manipulate it to succeed in our various fields. We all yearn for prosperity but what most people fail to realize is that prosperity is not just limited to your aspirations and goals. Rather, it should be about prosperity in every sector of your life i.e. health, career, happiness, wealth, knowledge, etc. altogether to prosper yourself and be whole. But I would be focusing on only one vital part of this which is CAREER PROSPERITY.

Recently I observed that a good number of people aren't pursuing their true career, which is supposed to be their true calling. Yes, we all know good things don’t come as easy as we want them to, but if you've been pursuing a certain career for a long time and nothing prosperous comes out from it, you need a change. You need to follow your calling (career) ordained by God, your true calling. But to do so you need to master how to put the following to work:   

  • Stop following the "trending" careers: so many people today have chosen their careers not because it's their calling or they love it, but they go into these careers just because it's "trending". And while pursing these "trending" careers, some people are happy but not prospering financially while others are prospering financially but not happy. What is the use of prospering in only one field of your life? God has given us the power to prosper in every area of our lives. I believe true prosperity is when we prosper in every area of our lives. We can invigorate old careers that people seem to have forgotten, if you have a passion for it and it's God chosen. And that is also an innovation of prosperity if we make good use of these careers.    

  • Do your thing and dwell in prosperity: one thing I know is there's no way we'd pursue our God ordained career and not prosper. Except, we choose not to prosper and follow the wrong things. Most people pursue careers due to peer pressure and forget to be real with themselves and do their thing. Remember, there's nothing as imprudent as self-deceit. Be real with yourself!
  • Talk to God about your calling: so, some people will be like "I want to follow my calling, but how do I know what my calling is?" I believe if you talk to God about it, he'd show you your talents and strong suits. Talk to him. Believe in him. He'd show you the way.  

  • Pursue your calling and aim high: when we realize our calling. We just don't wait for that miracle of prosperity. We have to purse it, dream big and aim high. We have to set goals and expand. We have to step out and push our careers. We have to struggle and reach our goals. Don't just wait for prosperity after knowing your God ordained career. Step out, pursue it, set goals and reach your goals!
Well, I'm still pursuing my career. I like to my give opinion about things that matter to us as individuals and talk about them. I love being me and I can proudly say I am enjoying it.


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